Wishing you a month of powerful connections to your Sovereign Self.
Honouring the Goddess Sekhmet.
Dua Sekhmet - Mighty One. SA SEKHEM SAHU
The mantra of the Goddess Sekhmet Lionness-headed warrior goddess of retribution and justice, of healing, she is Eye of Ra, with this potency she represents purification and transformation.
Her very name means POWERFUL ONE, she is the heat of the Sun and the Embodiment of Feminine Fire energy......the flame of which lays within the Solar Plexus Chakra our Fire Center. Petition her for courage, strength, and determination, for protection and healing but before you do so find out more about her, feel into her energy and introduce yourself, each of us have different relationships with deity but respect is the basis of all theses.
Sekhmet is the powerful protective energy of the Mother Lioness, through her role as Protectress of Pharoah.! Call upon her to guard you and those you love.
Sekhmet is not all destruction and warrior energy though, is is goddess of healing and is also so very sensual in nature, she roars and she purrrs, she stirs the Kundalini awake and is part of the solar cobra energy. The energy of Sovereignty.
And she is closely linked to beloved Hathor, beautiful goddess of joy, music, dance.....And is often seen as her more "ferocious" aspect.
In Tarot she may be seen as the strength card, and the courage to overcome obstacles. Or the Tower, the destruction forces of resetting, she may also be seen as the Sun, shining her radiant light upon all things, but a reminder that the Sun purifies as well as offers growth.
As the goddess of Healing, through the Fires of Transformation and as Destroyer of Plagues and Pestilence, she supports the cycles within and without.
The Meaning of her Mantra:
SA = Breath of Life
SEKEM = Power/Energy - the awakening/animation of Sahu.
SAHU = The Spiritual Body, one of the 5 in Egyptian Mythos. The last to be awakened as we achieve integration of all Spiritual bodies.
Some of Her Epithets:
Eye of Ra
Beloved of Ra
Mighty One
Mother of the Gods
Beloved of Ptah
Flaming One
Destroyer of Rebellions
Protectress of the Divine Order
Lady of All
Images of Karnak Temple from my two pilgrimages there in 2019 and 2023.
Sekhmet Associations and Correspondences:
Colours: Red, Gold, Orange, Black
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun and Mars
Aspects: Red = Warrior and Destroyer. Blue = Healer/Mage
Trinity Aspect = Crone
Stones: Sunstone, Ruby, Garnet, Tigers Eye Red and Yellow Jasper Stone
Metal: Gold, Brass, Copper
Herbs Resins and Spices: Myrrh, Frankincense, Cinnamon Cloves
Offerings: Beer, Blood-Orange, Pomegranate, Hop,s Red Henna, Blood, Candlelight.
Symbols: Sun, Lioness, Eye of Ra, Uraeus (Cobra), Ankh, Cats, Scorpions
Temple: Karnak and Memphis with her beloved Ptah and son Nerfertum.
Beloved Sekhmet is so dear to me not just being a Leo Sun and Venus in Leo but also because she has personally called me as her priestess and I have had the privilege of honouring her through me work and through being in her sacred spaces in Egypt.
This very precious photo was taken in 2019 in deep personal communion with her in her inner sanctum at Karnak Temple. This very special place is so infused with energy and her presence. Many see her move and have very intimate experiences with her here. I am fortunate enough to have visited this incredible space with her on two occasions and my own experiences have been profoundly life changing. I am so grateful for these opportunities to do this work in her sacred lands.
Dua Sekhmet - Mighty One.
Her Sacred Feast Days:
12 August - 25th Thuti - Day of Sekhmet's repulsion of Set
17th Ocotber - 1st Koiak - Month of Koiak Begins; The feast of Sekhmet
31st October - 15th Koiak - Feast of Sekhmet, Bast and Re
20th November - 5th Tybi - Day of Sekhmet and the Purifying Flame
24th November - 9th Tybi - Day of Offerings to Sekhmet
28th November - 13th Tybi - Feast of Het-Hert (Hathor) and Sekhmet
14th December - 29th Tybi - Tehuti (Thoth) sends Bast and Sekhmet to guide Egypt
28th December - 13th Mechir - Day of Sekhmet Going forth to Letopolis
31st December - 16th Mechir - Feast of Sekhmet
12th March - 27th Parmutit - End of the World by Sekhmet
Resource: https://ancientworlds.net/aw/Post/177082
Prayer to Sekhmet and Bast:
Mother of the gods, the One, the Only,Mistress of the crowns, thou rulest all;
Sekhmet is thy name when thou art wrathful,Bast, beloved, when thy people call.
Daughter of the Sun, with flame and fury
Flashing from the prow upon the foe;
Safely sails the Boat with thy protection
Passing scatheless where thy fires glow.
Daughter of the Sun, the burial chamber
Lies in the darkness till thy light appears.
From thy Throne of Silence send us comfort,Bast, beloved, banish all our fears.
Mother of the gods, no gods existed
Till thou camest there and gave them life.
Sekhmet of the Boat, the wicked fear thee
Trampling down all evil and all strife.
Mother of the gods, the great, the loved one,Winged and mighty, unto thee we call,
Naming thee the Comforter, the Ruler,Bast, beloved, Mother of us all.
Transcription by M. A. Murray
Chapter 164 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, (the Book of Entering the Light)
May Mumma Sekhmet bless your journey through Leo Season.
With Love,