Hello Magickal Folk,
Here we are in the depths of March, navigating the deep transitions of Pisces Season which has been intense to say the least, there has been a profound sense of swimming through the deep waters of hug transitions, watery inundation and waves of emotion for so many of us. There has been so much release and letting go, for some the sadness of loved ones passing over, for others relationships ending and for many changes in financial situations and careers.
But the waters of change also flow with creativity, intuition and purifying blessings, as the tides ebb and flow, so do we. Early March saw my collaboration with my Sound Sister Tash from Light and Life of sounds for an incredible day of water communion through sound and ceremony that also included a Water Blessing, thank you to all those who attended our beautiful Temple of the Water Goddesses, here are some visual highlights of this very special day, we are considering running this again at Summers return later in the year. Read on further for Whats Coming Up and for Autumn Equinox Correspondences.
Memories of our Water Goddess Temple
The next offerings from Sanctum of the Rose are coming up in April with both in-person and online Women's Rose Circles are being curated for you to step into deep transitional change with the powerful energies of the Rose, the Rose Goddesses and the Rose within as we share in the loving embrace of sisterhood.
April 11th - The doors to my Online Temple of the Rose Goddess open to 11 magickal weeks of knowledge sharing, rose goddess connections, potent rose goddess guided journeys, including plenty of free resources and so much more. This beautiful inspiring container remains open to all women who enter through the temple doors as we co-create and ongoing community of priestesses, witches, healers, seers and wild women. Early Bird investment is available until 25th March before full price starts. You can find out more on the Online Temple of the Rose Goddesses section of this website or see the link below
Info and Tickets here: https://events.humanitix.com/temple-of-the-rose-goddesses-11-weeks-online
21st April - Autumn Rose Women's Circle
If you are in the Northern Rivers, Gold Coast, Brisbane or surrounding areas or wish to travel to join us for this beautiful in-person immersion, it is taking place in Chillingham near Murwillumbah on Sunday 21st April.
We will be working with Rose Goddess Persephone (Kore) as she descends into the Underworld and prepares to reclaim her Bone Queen Crown and we too prepare to transit through the cooler darker months of the year and flow with our own changing rhythms and seasons of self.
Join me for Ceremony, Journeying, Movement and Magickal Activities in a space of supported sisterhood. More Info and Tickets here:
What Else is Happening at Sanctum of the Rose:
Rose Healing Sessions for Women: If you would like one to one support, you may wish to contact me for a beautiful in-person Rose Healing Session in my home sanctuary in Murwillumbah, details may be found here on my website under the Rose Healing Section. Please utilise the contact form for booking and with any questions you may have.
Sanctum of the Rose is now on Pinterest, where I am collecting together and putting into boards some of my work so it is easier for you to find, this is an ongoing process, please join me there: https://www.pinterest.com.au/sanctumoftherose
I have also very recently set up a Sanctum of the Rose YouTube Channel, that will be a space of information sharing that will in time include free Guided Journeys and more, please head there and subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@SanctumoftheRose
Read on below for Autumn Equinox Associations and Correspondences
Autumn Equinox Correspondences and Associations:
This week we flow into the Equinox Portal, Autumn here where I dwell in Australia, also wishing all Northern Hemisphere Readers and Kin a wonderful magickal Vernal (Spring) Equinox.
Autumn Equinox Traditional Wheel Date: 21st March
Exact Date 2024: 20th March 1.06pm
Autumn Equinox called Mabon by some, but not a name that resonates for me personally,
is a time of equilibrium and harmony as the light and darkness meet in balance. It is the time of the second harvest according to the Wheel of the Year, where I dwell the harvest is really only just beginning and the nights really just starting to cool off, the days and the sea temperature still fairly warm. This point to me marks true Autumn rather then the common calendars date of the 1st March, at this time we have the opportunity to contemplate the Summer Season passing, all that nature has provided and all that we have created in our own lives. It is time to celebrate our abundance but also to reflect on all that no longer serves, that which we don't need to carry with us any longer.
The Goddess is preparing to wear the mantel of Shadows as she mourns the Gods descent into the Underworld and she holds tight to the life buried deep within her womb - the energy of the Solar Child contained inside her waiting to be reborn at Winter Solstice. She is both Mother and Crone now. The God in his Solar form slips below to slumber and heal beneath the Earths surface and awaits his return after Winter Solstice.
It is a time of gratitude and of reflection and deep healing. It is the Wilting Phase of the Rose, as her petals fall composting upon the Earth and nourishing her roots and in the doing so allows space for her richly potent rose-hips to form. And so we honour the cycles of change within and without.
Correspondences for your Magickal Workings:
Appropriate Themes: Reflection, Balance, Gratitude, Release, Preparation Acknowledgement, Celebration of Abundance Received, Initiation. This year Autumn Equinox falls upon the Waxing Gibbous Moon as she flows towards Full on the 25th and so the energies of illumination and growth are here to remind us of all that we have and may also be bringing up what needs to be addressed/highlighted in order to flow more fully and deeply into our truths. This Full Moon also bring a Penumbral Eclipse, this is an opportunity to feel into what needs changing in our lives and with the energies of Equinox prior to this you may have a deeper more truthful insight into what this is, so use this reflective time to truly tune in and listen to your needs.
Autumn Equinox is a good time to connect with goddess Persephone as she prepares to enter the Realm of Hades and sit upon her throne. Or Pomona, goddess of Orchards, Apples and Pruning. You may wish to connect to the Sun God as he prepares for his descent into the embrace of the arms of death in the Underworld and then later his rebirth. This celebratory time of year is full of liminal magick, and offers connection to the spaces in between the light and darkness so you may wish to begin or deepen your connections to Chthonic Deities. As it is a time of equilibrium you may also wish to connect to deities such as Ma'at to support balance. Whatever resonates with you is the best path to follow, so be guided by your intuition.
Suggested Correspondences:
Colours: Gold, Yellow, Bronze, Orange, Red, Brown and Black.
Foods: Pumpkins, sweet potato, gourds, pine cones, nuts, honey, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, rose-hips, rose water or rose petals, dried seeds and flowers and fruits, berries, avocado, wine, mead, dark ale.
Symbols: leaves, cones, seed pods, feathers and the cornucopia - horn of plenty. Botanicals: Sandalwood, benzoin, ferns, dahlia, Gerber, magnolia, paper daisy, flannel flower, grevillea, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables. Stones: Sunstone, moonstone, magnetite, citrine, tigers eye, carnelian, topaz, yellow tourmaline, Black tourmaline, bumblebee jasper.
Deities: Atum, Cernunnos, Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Persephone, Pomona, Demeter, Hekate, the Muses, Ma’at, Medousa, Nephthys, Thoth, Thor, Hermes.
Magickal Workings: Protection, prosperity, security, self-confidence, courage, transformation, release, Initiation, dedication, harmony and balance.
It is always wise to relate this time and Sabbat to where you dwell and the changes around you and make it relevant to your practice.
May this unfolding and deepening Season be one of celebration and reflection for you all. I hope to share space with you in-person, online or within my Home Sanctuary very soon.
Juniper Rose
Sanctum of the Rose
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Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SanctumoftheRose